Support during trademark registration

The lawyers of the law firm USInvest offer comprehensive support when registering a trademark in Belarus.

What should you pay attention to when registering trademark rights?

First of all, you should determine in which countries goods or services will be sold. This will determine the territory of legal protection of the trademark. You should also pay attention to the list of goods and services regarding which the mark is registered: this list may contain not only existing goods and services, but the products planned for launch as well.

The term of a service mark registration in Belarus in accordance with the law takes up to 2 years, but in practice the procedure is performed within a calendar year. It is also possible to speed up consideration of documents.

The lawyers will advise you on all the issues of trademark registration and help you achieve your objectives most effectively.

Niche specialization of lawyers

This approach allows working over the practice issues as efficiently as possible, constantly be aware of innovations and features.

Lean business processes

All the business processes of the company are integrated with the CRM system. We neither forget anything, nor are late and we're always in the swim.

We value trust and reputation

Our competence is confirmed by customers' testimonials and The LEGAL500 and IFLR1000 international ratings.